About the creator

author profileSteve Hook

Hey, my name is Ștefan Cîrlig, however because I decided to teach Go internationally I simply translated it into the English version and it's simply Steve Hook.

I am a self taught engineer with over 3 years of experience in the industry. I started out as a full stack PHP developer, then frontend using JavaScript and then fell in love with Go programming language. I am the Creator of GopherTuts, I do everything from writing the code, drawing the animations, recording and editing the video till the video delivery, so that you guys can have the best experience while watching it and playing with Go

If you haven't already. Please make sure to check out the YouTube channel and SUBSCRIBE if you ❤ what I do, also consider submitting a FEEDBACK if you think I can improve it, and finally consider supporting the project on Patreon if it's possible for you

GopherTuts goals & objectives

Future plans